On the occasion of its seventh birthday?today,?Twitter has announced that personal archives of tweets are now available for 12 more languages: In December, when Twitter rolled out the option to?download a massive archive of your history,?this is what they had to say about the feature: Today, we?re introducing the ability to download your Twitter archive, so you?ll get all your Tweets (including Retweets) going back to the beginning. Once you have your Twitter archive, you can view your Tweets by month, or search your archive to find Tweets with certain words, phrases, hashtags or @usernames. You can even engage with your old Tweets just as you would with current ones. Sadly, tweets in the above languages weren’t available, but they are now. Simply go to your settings page, and then click “request your archive.” You’ll then be emailed once the archival process is complete. Once you download the file, you’ll be able to open it on your desktop and review everything you’ve ever said or retweeted. It’s fun until you read things that you wrote while you were drunk: Happy downloading. [Photo credit: Flickr]
Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/GfoZA_0W-BA/
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